IM: “Know Blackberry? Here is Bharat Berry” plus 1 more

Senin, 01 November 2010 | |

IM: “Know Blackberry? Here is Bharat Berry” plus 1 more

Link to Information Madness

Know Blackberry? Here is Bharat Berry

Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:53 AM PDT

bharat-berry-blackberryYou may have heard the buzz and fuss about Blackberry in India for the last few months. Indian government wants control over blackberry services to and from India. If RIM doesn't give in, Indian government may ban the Blackberry Services in Inida.

So that lead to the birth of Bharat Berry (Funny how they had to use Bharat in the name). An Indian firm launched a software service saying that it provides an alternative to the controversial BlackBerry services

UC Browser 7.4.1 Unofficial Full English Translated for Java

Posted: 31 Oct 2010 04:05 AM PDT

altHere is Full EN  Translation Based On UCWEB-7.4.1-6500-70-10102118 newly released Chinese Version of UC Browser 7.4.1.

This version comes with a lot of bug fix ad optimization. You can download here the UC Browser 7.4.1 English Translated by Sunilsati for India, International US, Indonesia, Vietnam server.

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